Dokken-Erase the Slate
© 2002 5.1 Label Group/Silverline
Tesla-Standing Room Only
© 2002 5.1 Label Group/Silverline
Audio Tracks-24 bit/96khz Dvd-audio
24 bit/48khz Dolby Digital 5.1
Liner Notes
Photo Gallery
Live performance video of 'Maddest Hatter'
Sound Quality:
This could be the finest Dokken album since the reunited lineup of 'Dysfunctional' a few years back. This album featured the departure of George Lynch, but the entrance of a very capable Reb Beach. As a matter of fact, Beach does some very good work which adds to the quality of the music on this release. If you think that you are gonna miss something with Lynch absent...think again. As far as the sound scheme's on the album, as usual the advanced resolution scheme is my preference, but it can be heard on dvd video players using the Dolby 5.1 option. This option still is much better than compact disc. Usage of the speaker setup is as usual very tasteful. The surrounds are used to broaden the overall sound without anything tricky going on that would distract. The majority of the music is found across the front three speakers. There is also good bass response. Overall, a very good mix once again from the people at Silverline.
This album is most definitely a good replacement for the compact disc companion. The overall sound is complete without anything distracting. As far as the supplemental material there is a cool video for one of Dokken's catchiest tracks 'Maddest Hatter'. The only thing that was a bit distracting on the video was it seemed a bit out of sync audio and video wise. It is still cool to watch however as I caught the band on that particular tour. The photo gallery is of very good quality with some very cool and inventive pictures. There is also the option to either view the lyrics or photos while each track plays. This is accessible through the main menu. Another very nice Dvd-audio from the folks at Silverline!
Audio Tracks: 24 bit/96khz Dvd-Audio
24 bit/48khz Dolby Digital 5.1
Liner notes
Artist photos
Sound Quality:
First of all I would like to mention that I have seen Tesla 3 times, actually twice on the 'Mechanical Resonance' tour and once on the 'Bust a Nut' tour. This recording is without a doubt a very good example of what the band sounds like live. Even more than that, the audio mix is almost like being there. The mix comes off sounding live without too much polish that sometimes happens in the biz. As far as the surround tracks, they are balanced well. The surrounds are used mostly for crowd noise. You know, the feeling of being there, actually right in the middle of it all. You also get a little of that reverb sound at times that you hear in concert halls coming from the rear. Occasionally you get a bit more guitar all of the way around, but the surrounds are definitely there to enhance the listening sweet spot. For those without the Dvd-audio decoder, pop it in your Dvd-video player and decode the Dolby digital. It sounds pretty good too!
Looking back to the bands first album, these guys to me had the appeal that Guns 'n Roses had, but with more of a blue collar feel to the band. These guys have always concentrated on the music and have written alot of good tunes in their tenure. This would definitely be a nice addition to any fans collection and really offers up the feeling of being there without being there. The extras are a bit light, but with the album sounding so good, no big deal. We buy these for the sound quality after all although supplements are definitely a bonus. I do like the speaker setup and may have not mentioned this before. Silverline adds this to each disc so by ear you can adjust your levels from speaker to speaker to attain an even balance. Not the most technical tool, but then we don't need rocket science either. It definitely will help you get the best sound possible in terms of speaker balance. This disc is one of the better live discs in the rock base so far. If you are thinking of jumping into the format...grab this title to help make your mind up!