Motorhead-Ace of Spades
© 2003 5.1 Label Group/Silverline
Eddie Money-Shakin' With The Money Man
© 2003 5.1 Label Group/Silverline
Audio Tracks-24 bit/96khz Dvd-Audio
24 bit/48khz Dolby Digital 5.1
Liner Notes
Artist Photos
Sound Quality:
Motorhead in surround. Who can't resist that? 'Ace of Spades' definitely was an influential album for many bands that came after it. The band is now legendary and really has never lost it's following. One of the bands more notorious efforts gets the surround treatment early on in the format which is just fine by me. The mix is very good. The full channel setup is used and the music has a new updated sound and appeal to it. I have mentioned in other reviews how kind the dvd-audio format is to older music and this is another album that just emphasizes why. It is imporatant in this format to make sure that you balance your levels to get the intended effect from the remix. That is how you will get the most out of this title as well as any other album. Anyway, this new mix adds a lot of punch and offers a nice sound environment for the listener. No unecessary gimmicks in the mix, just tasteful which is what Silverline has proved to be good at to this point.
This album has already proven itself through the years. It is one of those genuine classics and finds a very comfortable place with this updated new mix. It bands out harder than ever, but gives you a feel of actually being there during the recording process. I was definitely curious how one would mix a surround track with a band like Motorhead and am happy to report that it is great. The supplemental is lean, but this album doesn't need much do to it's status in the genre anyway. Supplements aren't why people will buy this. it's the memories and the ass kicking you will get with music itself. Nicely done as usual!
Audio Tracks-24 bit/96khz Dvd-Audio
24 bit/48khz Dolby Digital 5.1
Photo Gallery
Sound Quality:
While not a metal musician, Eddie Money still gets a lot of repsect from me. He has been doing this for a very long time and continues with each release to churn out some great radio friendly rock and roll. This particular release has some studio and a lot of live material. I have to say that the mix on this disc is absolutely amazing. This is one of the best balanced discs I've heard to date. The studio material utilizes the discreet channels to envelope the music around you. Not that the music sounds too flashy, just good utilization of the available channels for a good overall warm feeling. The surrounds are definitely a bit more active than on some of the other discs I have heard and should really impress many if you demo this album. The live material sounds very full as well due to a great job on utilizing the surrounds for some of the music as well as an abundance of crowd noise. The hits are all here and the studio music that is from 1997 is very good.
Eddie money is one of those artists that if you think you are not familiar with, will be very surprised at how many big songs he had. You can pop a disc in and play it and will probably recognize a good portion of the material on it. Like I mentioned, this album really sounds awesome. With the great rich sound quality of the studio material, you're going to blow a few people away with it. I grew up listening to this guy and really have a fondness for alot of what he has done in the past. I would definitely recommend this title!