Bruce Dickinson-Balls to Picasso
© 2003 Sanctuary/Silverline Records
Steve Stevens-Flamenco A Go-Go
© 2001 DTS Inc.
Audio Tracks-24 bit/96khz Dvd-Audio
24 bit/48khz Dolby Digital 5.1
Artist Photos
Sound Quality:
Being a huge Iron Maiden fan for a long time, I was definitely concerned with the absence of Dickinson and what it would mean for both parties involved. Bruce had already released one solo record titled 'Tattooed Millionaire' which was pretty cool while still in Iron Maiden. With this album, his second things were quite a bit different. This collaboration with Roy Z really strutted and made a statement in a time when the industry wasn't as friendly to our beloved metal. Well finally we get a revamped surround version of this classic and it's never sounded better. I had to immediately dive into 'Tears of the Dragon' due to it being one of my favorites. Very cool sound on this one that envelopes you. The thing that I picked up on this album was the huge wall of sound. The mix actually spreads Bruce's vocals across the two front speakers and throws guitar out on the center which really gives the sound a kick. In the surrounds you get some background vocals at times, percussion at others. Sometimes a little guitar motion back and forth. The mix really gives you the power this album was meant to offer from day one. I really like the vocals out of the center and split off to the sides. It makes sure that the vocals lead the way and everything balances better. No flash or tricks on this disc, just a lot of power.
I was very pleased the first time I heard this album back when it was released. It had a lot of personality and really added an important element to Bruce's solo career, Roy Z. The two collaborated more later and hopefully we'll see those soon on this amazing format. I really think this album has a solid mix and that the album is being delivered the way it should've been years ago, but couldn't due to technology. This is a great album to get started in the format on especially if you love Maiden or Dickinson. Highly Recommended!

Audio Tracks-24 bit/96khz Dvd-Audio
DTS 5.1
Dolby Digital 2.0
'Dementia' Live Video
Sound Quality:
So you're looking for a disc to convert all the naysayers of Dvd-audio? This one is a very good bet. This album by itself on compact disc was absolutely amazing? Latin flavored guitar driven instrumentals for the most part. Steve Stevens was best known as the guitarist for Billy Idol in his heyday and also recorded an album with Vince Neil. His solo stuff is where he really shines. This record really gives the listener a sample of the talent that is Steve Stevens. This guy is underrated in my opinion. When it comes to mentioning the greats he often gets left out. But you know what, a few of us know including DTS. Even though this album isn't widely known DTS knew what they had in it and went to work. This album will really give ya goosebumps with its tremendous surround display. It will in a nutshell, work your system out a bit. Not that it is flashy and distracting, but there are tricks and this album is enhanced very much by them. Take for example 'Feminova'. Kind of a play on stereo in the beginning, but with the end result surround, it's pretty awesome. Most of the tracks totally utilize your system with certain elements bouncing around from speaker to speaker. This is one of my favorite discs so far and should be heard to be believed. Nice job DTS! It is worth mentioning that I didn't notice much difference if anything at all between the Dvd-audio and DTS soundtracks. If you have a Dvd-video player only and want to know what Dvd-audio sounds like, grab this disc. It will make you a believer.
Definitely one of the must haves on Dvd-Audio. This album has clarity, an active mix and just great songs overall. The video that is included on the disc is kind of a rare performance on video. I haven't seen much live stuff from Stevens with the exception of his appearence on one of the Rockthology series Dvd's dealing with his band at the time The Atomic Playboys. It was actually more of an interview. That makes the performance of 'Dementia' very satisfying. If you are looking for a great delivery in this new format, get this disc. Highly Recommended!