© 2004 Sanctuary Records
Thunderstone-The Burning
© 2004 Nuclear Blast America

Reviewed by Dave Palmer
Seems like it has been a long time since we had a studio offering from the mighty Scorpions. The band embarked on some different things in the past few years such as the Berlin Philharmonic collaboration which I really liked. But what about getting back to the basics? The Scorpions were after all very raw and in your face and just flat out rocked. I believe you would have to go back to the 'Face the Heat' album of 1993 to find where this new release fits best. 'Pure Instinct' was decent, but I really never could get into the bands mindset of 'Eye II Eye'. This latest effort gets back to business. it's not 'Blackout' or 'Love at First Sting', but as I mentioned, it's not 'Eye II Eye' either. You will fit this in between but leans more to the earlier stuff. The album starts off well with 'New Generation' which has a melodic side, but rocks at the same time. 'Love 'Em Or Leave 'Em' lets you know that this album is gonna have some heavy moments. By the time you hit the track 'Deep and Dark' which by the way reminds me a bit of 'Tease Me, Please Me' in the guitars, you know the Scorpions are back. These guys have been doing this a very long time now. As a matter of fact, it's been over 3 decades now! Getting back to the music at hand, 'Borderline' is cool with a bit of strutting vocals that make it catchy. 'Blood Too Hot' just rocks and gets down to business. One of the heavier tunes on the album. 'Maybe I Maybe You' wins the award for most original track on the album. This tune starts off making you think that you have one of those awesome Scorpions ballads, but then throttles you the further in you get. In the past with this band, you usually could bet on what you would get so this particular track for me was a bit unpredictable. 'Someday Is Now' and 'My City, My Town' are typical fair for the Scorpions. Mid-tempo rockers with that familiar melody. I really like 'Through My Eyes'. Very good melodies with crunchy choruses that leave it memorable. Hands down my favorite track is 'Can You Feel It'. This is classic Scorpions with the crunchy rhythms and how about that guitar solo? It is just not a Scorpions album without that familiar talk box style solo that marked in tracks like 'The Zoo'. very cool and very welcome in my opinion. The album finishes out with the final three tracks in 'This Time' which is similar to some of the other mid-tempo melodic numbers, 'She Said' is lighter and will give you a chance at the show to flick your Bic, and the final song, 'Remember The Good Times' is appropriately titles because this album had me doing just that. The song is a retro garage mix, which I'm not sure what that is about 'cause I've never heard another version. The album is also enhanced with a videomessage from the band that runs about 6 minutes, a picture gallery containing just that, photos, and a biography. I was really pretty happy with this release. I just hop the band didn't tarnish their image with 'Eye II Eye'. I think most fans will consider that album a one-off and definitely pick this release up. There's definitely alot going on and it was definitely worth the wait.
A great release from a very tenured band. This release gets back to the rocking we haven't heard in a bit. There is also some cool enhanced material on this disc so be sure and get it into the drive of your computer. You've been waiting awhile for an album like this from the Scorpions and they deliver it only the way they can. A definite recommended title from me. Go out and get it!
Questions or Comments? Email Dave by clicking here.
Reviewed by Mike King
I love this job. Before I hooked up with Heavy Metal Resource I seriously thought Prog-Metal was a lost art. I live in a small rural area where all the teenagers listen to rap or hip-hop not because they like it, but because they are trying to be something they are not. And the local radio stations either play golden oldies, classic rock or that punk garbage that's been totally overdone. Once in awhile you might hear some AC/DC or Scorpions or if you are lucky they might throw in some old Black Sabbath. But I've been blessed, in the last few months since signing on to write these reviews I've discovered that Prog-Metal is not only still alive but is reaching new heights and dimensions. And I've just discovered a new favorite band from Finland, Thunderstone. Oh my
hell these guys rock! They remind me of bands like Vandenberg, Whitesnake, Dio and Deep Purple with lightning speed guitar riffs, hard hitting drums and double bass, keyboard wizardry and strong Dio/Coverdale/Gillan vocals. The music is very in your face metal with strong melodic overtones. Musically they are very tight, very precise. There are several runs where the guitars and keyboards are running through scales in milliseconds. The keyboard solos are every bit as breathtaking as the guitar solos. Psai Rantanen's vocals are
captivating. He is truly gifted and could easily become one of the all time greats. He also kinda reminds me of John Bush from Armored Saint. Very powerful. Thunderstone has the right attitude and approach to their music on this CD. There is no holds barred here. They hook you and pull you in from the very start and hang on to you til they are through with you. They don't play to wussies so you had better be prepared for their assault on your metal intellect.
This band means business and have delivered the goods on their new release, "The Burning". There are only ten tracks on this CD but they
are quality tracks. The ultra speed guitar riffs and solos along with earth shattering drums and bass and grinding keyboards certainly will tear you a new one. Prog-Metal is alive in these guys. Aggression is the name of their game. Don't deny yourselves, pick this one up. It's well worth the money.
Questions or Comments? Email Mike by clicking here.