-Machinae Supremacy-Overworld
-Machinae Supremacy-Redeemer
-Machine Head-Hellalive
-Mad Margritt-In the Name of Rock
-Madam X-Monstrocity
-Magic Dance-New Eyes
-Magic Dance-Remnants
-Magic Lightnin' Boys, The
-Magness, Clif-Lucky Dog
-Malice-New Breed of Godz
-Malmsteen's Rising Force-Unleash the ...
-Malum Sky-Diatribe
-Mama's Boys-Collection
-Mama's Boys-Relativity
-Mammoth WVH-Mammoth WVH
-Mammoth WVH-Mammoth II
-Manic Sinners-King Of The Badlands
-Manimal-Trapped in the Shadows
-Manowar-Gods of War
-Mantic Ritual-Heart Set Stone
-Mantric Momentum-Trial By Fire
-Marcello, Kee-Scaling Up
-March in Arms-March in Arms
-Mars, Mick-The Other Side Of Mars
-Martone-A Demons Dream
-Martone-When the Aliens Come
-Maryann Cotton-Hallelujah
-MarysCreek-Incubic Twin
-Masi-Downtown Dreamers
-Masi-Eternal Struggle
-Masi-2nd Shape
-Masi, Alex-In the Name of Beethoven
-Masi, Alex-Late Nights at Desert's Rimrock
-Mattsson, Lars Eric-Earthbound
-Mattsson, Lars Eric-Electric Voodoo
-Mattsson, Lars Eric-Eternity
-Mattsson-Power Games
-Max Pie-Odd Memories
-Max Pie-Passengers
-MCM-Ritual Factory
-McAuley, Robin-Alive
-McAuley, Robin-Standing On The Edge
-Mecca-20 Years
-Naked Beggars-Naked Beggars
-Naked Beggars-Spit it Out
-Nash B.C-Burning Babylon
-Nazareth-Surviving The Law
-Neil, Vince-Live-One Night Only
-Neonfly-Strangers in Paradise
-Nestor-Kids In A Ghost Town
-Nestor-Teenage Rebel
-Neue Regel-In a Word
-New Black, The-A Monster's Life
-New Horizon-Conquerors
-New Horizon-Gate Of The Gods
-New Machine-New Machine
-Newsted-Heavy Metal Music
-Night by Night-NxN
-Night Ranger-35 Years and a Night in Chicago
-Night Ranger-40 Years And A Night
-Night Ranger-Don't Let Up
-Night Ranger-High Road
-Night Ranger-Hole in the Sun
-Night Ranger-Somewhere in California
-Nights The-The Nights
-Nightwish-Dark Passion Play
-Nightwish-Endless Forms Most Beautiful
-Nightwish-Human :||: Nature
-Nitrate-Feel The Heat
-Nitzinger-Going Back to Texas
-Nocturnal Rites-Phoenix
-NoMara-...And So It Begins
-Nordic Union-Animalistic
-Nordic Union-Nordic Union
-Nordic Union-Second Coming
-Nordream-Memories Progression
-Northrup, JK-Wired In My Skin
-Not Fragile-21st Century Ballroom
-Nothing More-Carnal
-Nothing More-The Stories We Tell Ourselves
-Noumena-Anatomy of Life
-Nostradamus, Nikolo Kotzev's
-Nothing More-Nothing More
-Nothing More- Spirits
-Nova, Aldo-2.0
-Nova, Aldo-Eddie Gage Preview EP
-Novact-Tales from the Soul
-Nugent, Ted-Craveman
-Nugent, Ted-Love Grenade
-Nugent, Ted-Shutup&Jam
-Null'O'Zero-Instructions to Dominate
-Oblivious Signal-Exordium
-Ocean Hills-Santa Monica
-October Rage-Fallout, Dust and Guns
-Odium-5 Track Demo
-Ohm-Ohm (Chris Poland)
-Oliva - Raise the Curtain
-Oliver/Dawson Saxon-Second Wave
-Olympos Mons-Conquistador
-Olzon, Anette-Rapture
-Olzon, Anette-Strong
-Omega A.D.
-ONE-Worlds Collide
-One Desire-Live w/ The Shadow Orchestra
-One Desire-Midnight Empire
-One Desire-One Desire
-One Desire-One Night Only
-One Way Mirror-Capture
-Oneira, The-Injection
-Orange Sky-Upstairs
-Oratory-Illusion Dimensions
-Orden Ogan-Final Days
-Orden Ogan-Final Days-Orden Ogan & Friends
-Orden Ogan-Gunmen
-Orden Ogan-The Book of Ogan
-Orden Ogan-The Order Of Fear
-Orianthi-Live From Hollywood
-Orianthi-Rock Candy
-Orion Riders-A New Dawn
-Osbourne, Ozzy-Black Rain
-Osbourne, Ozzy-Down to Earth
-Osbourne, Ozzy-Ordinary Man
-Ozzy Osbourne-Patient Number 9
-OST-Various-Rainbow Six: Lockdown
-Outfit, The-The Outfit
-Outfit, The-Viking
-Overdrive-Let the Metal do the Talking
-Overkill-Killbox 13
-Overkill-Live in Overhausen
-Overkill-The Electric Age
-Overkill-The Grinding Wheel
-Overkill-White Devil Armory
-Overkill-The Wings Of War
-Overlaps-In Your Room
-OZ-Forced Commandments
-Paeth's Master of Ceremeony-Signs of Wings
-Pagan's Mind-Enigmatic: Calling
-Pagan's Mind-Heavenly Ecstasy
-Pagan's Mind-Infinity Divine
-Palace-Binary Music
-Palace-Master Of The Universe
-Palace-One 4 The Road
-Palace-Retrospection-The Covers EP
-Palmqvist, Daniel-A Landscape Made...
-Pantera-Reinventing the Steel
-Pandemic-Angry Sky
-Paradise-Light the Fire
-Parsons, Alan-One Note Symphony-Live
-Parsons, Alan-From The New World
-Parsons, Alan-The Secret
-Pawlak, Jace-Perspective
-Pawlak, Jace-Promise
-Pearcy, Stephen-Before and Laughter
-Pearcy, Stephen-Smash
-Pearl Handled Revolve-If The Devil Cast...
-Pell, Axel Rudi-Circle of the Oath
-Pell, Axel Rudi-Into the Storm
-Pell, Axel Rudi-Kings and Queens
-Pell, Axel Rudi-Shadow Zone
-Pell, Axel Rudi-Sign Of The Times
-Pell, Axel Rudi-Tales of the Crown
-Pell, Axel Rudi-The Masquerade Ball
-Pentesilea Road-Pentesilea Road
-Perfect Plan-All Rise
-Perfect Plan-Brace For Impact
-Perfect Plan-Live At Sharpener's House
-Perfect Plan-Time For A Miracle
-Pergana-The Visit
-Perish Lane-Breaking the Metaphor
-Peterik, Jim-Tigress: Women Who Rock...
-Peterik, Jim & World Stage-Winds of Change
-Phantom Elite-Blue Blood
-Phantom Elite-Titanium
-Phantom Stranger
-Pink Cream 69-Ceremonial
-Pink Cream 69-Endangered
-Pink Cream 69-Headstrong
-Pink Cream 69-Sonic Dynamite
-Pink Lizard-Rock 'n' Roll Injection
-Place Vendome-Close to the Sun
-Plant, Robert-Dreamland
-Plasmatics-Coup D'Etat
-Ra-Black Sun
-Ra-From One
-Radiation Romeos-Radiation Romeos
-Radium Valley-Tales From the Apocalypse
-Raggedy Ann-Arizona
-Raggedy Ann-Dreamcatcher
-Rammstein-Liebe Ist Für Alle Da
-Rammstein-Reise, Reise
-Rapture-Silent Stage
-Raven-All Hell's Breaking Loose
-Raven-Leave 'Em Bleeding
-Raven-Metal City
-Raven-Walk Through Fire
-Ravenscroft-See Through
-Reach-Reach Out To Rock
-Reach-The Great Divine
-Rebellion-Sagas of Iceland
-Reckless Love-Turborider
-Red-of Beauty and Rage
-Red-Rated R
-Red-Release the Panic
-Red Dragon Cartel
-Red Dragon Cartel-Patina
-Red Line Chemistry-Chemical High...
-Red Rose-Anniversary
-Red Tide Rising-The Rising
-Red Tide Rising-Voices
-Redemption-I Am The Storm
-Redlight King-In Our Blood
-Reds'Cool-Press Hard
-Reece, David-Cacophony of Souls
-Refuge-Solitary Men
-Reign of Terror, The-Sacred Ground
-Renegade Twelve-Renegade Twelve
-Requiem-Mask of Damnation
-Resistance-Lies in Black
-Resistance-Patents of Control
-Rev Jones-Bakwash
-Reverance-Gods of War
-Revery-Avarice & Absolution
-Revolution Saints-Against The Winds
-Revolution Saints-Eagle Flight
-Revolution Saints-Light in the Dark
-Revolution Saints-Revolution Saints
-Revolution Saints-Rise
-Rezidudes, The-Welcome to the Suck
Queensryche-American Soldier
-Queensrÿche-Condition Hüman
-Queensrÿche-Digital Noise Alliance
Queensryche-Live Evolution
Queensryche-Operation Mindcrime II
-Queensrÿche-The Verdict
Quiet Riot-Guilty Pleasures
-Quiet Riot-Hollywood Cowboys
-Quiet Riot-One Night in Milan
Quiet Riot-Rehab
-Quiet Riot-Road Rage
Quill, The-Voodoo Caravan
-Poison-Power to the People
-Poison Rose-Little Bang Theory
-Polak, Milan-Straight
-Poland, Chris-Return to Metalopolis 2002
-Poltergeist-Feather Of Truth
-Poodles, The-Clash of the Elements
-Poodles, The-Devil in the Details
-Poodles, The-No Quarter/In the Flesh
-Poodles, The-Tour De Force
-Pop Evil-Onyx
-Pop Evil-Pop Evil
-Pop Evil-Skeletons
-Pop Evil-Up
-Pop Evil-Versatile
-Pop Evil-War of Angels
-Poppy & the Ususal Subjects-Celestial...
-Powell Young-Flying Fingers
-Praying Mantis-Defiance
-Praying Mantis-Katharsis
-Praying Mantis-Gravity
-Pretty Maids-Carpe Diem
-Pretty Maids-Future World
-Pretty Maids - It Comes Alive
-Pretty Maids-Kingmaker
-Pretty Maids-Louder Than Ever
-Pretty Maids-Maid In Japan
-Pretty Maids-Motherland
-Pretty Maids-Pandemonium
-Pretty Maids-Planet Panic
-Pretty Maids-Spooked
-Pretty Maids-Undress Your Madness
-Pretty Maids-Wake up to the Real World
-Pride Of Lions-Dream Higher
-Pride of Lions-Fearless
-Pride Of Lions-Lion Heart
-Pride of Lions-Live in Belgium
-Primal Fear-16.6 (Before the Devil...)
-Primal Fear-Apocalypse
-Primal Fear-Delivering the Black
-Primal Fear-Devil's Ground
-Primal Fear-Metal Commando
-Primal Fear-Nuclear Fire
-Primal Fear-Rulebreaker
-Primal Fear-Seven Seals
-Primal Fear-Unbreakable
-Pro-Pain-No End in Sight
-Promise, The
-Promise, The-Human Fire
-Prong-Carved Into Stone
-Prong-100% Live
-Prong-Power of the Damager
-Prong-Ruining Lives
-Prong-State Of Emergency
-Prong-X-No Absolutes
-Psychothermia - Fall to the Rising Sun
-Psychothermia - Slash & Burn
-Push-On the Run
-Pyogenesis-A Century in the Curse of Time
-Pyramaze-Disciples of the Sun
-Mob Rules-Savage Land
-Mob Rules-Tales From Beyond
-Mob Rules-Temple of Two Suns
-Mollo, Dario Crossbones-Rock the Cradle
-Mongrel-Fear, Lies, & Propaganda
-Montany-New Born Day
-Monument-Hair of the Dog
-Moonlight Comedy-Dorothy
-Moonlight Comedy-The Life Inside
-Moore, Gary-Give us Moore! - Tribute
-More Than Most-Impossible is Temporary
-Mortifer-If Tomorrow Comes
-Mortiis-The Grudge
-Motive Black-Auburn
-Motley Crue-Carnival of Sins Live (CD)
-Motley Crue-Music to Crash Your Car To 1
-Motley Crue-New Tattoo
-Motley Crue-Saints of Los Angeles
-Motörhead-Bad Magic
-Motorhead-Best of (2 disc remaster)
-Motorhead-Better Motorhead Than Dead
-Motorhead-Kiss of Death
-Motörhead - Motörizer
-Motorhead-The World is Yours
-Motorhead-We Are Motorhead
-Motortrain-Straight Six
-Mourning Grey-Hollow
-Mr. Big-Back to Budokan
-Mr. Big-The Stories We Could Tell
-Mr. Big-What If...
-MSG-Be Aware of Scorpions
-Mullmuzzler Vol. 2
-Munkes, Rolf-No More Obscurity
-Murder F.M.-Happily Never After
-Murder of My Sweet, The-A Gentleman's ...
-Murder of My Sweet, The-Brave Tin World
-Mustasch-Latest Version of the Truth
-Mutants, The-Voodoo Blues
-Mygrain-Signs of Existence
-Mystery Hall, The-Voyager thru the Void
-Mystic Prophecy-Hellriot
-Mystic Prophecy-Satanic Curses
-Megadeth-Complete Remasters Review
-Megadeth-Rude Awakening
-Megadeth-Super Collider
-Megadeth-The Sick, The Dying... and The Dead!
-Megadeth-The System Has Failed
-Megadeth-United Abominations
-Mehida-The Eminent Storm
-Meliah Rage-Barely Human
-Memoria Avenue-Memoria Avenue
-Memorized Dreams-Theater of Life
-Mercury X-Imprisoned
-Mercyful Fate-9
-Merendine Atomiche-Raw
-Metal Church-Congregation Of Annihilation
-Metal Church-Damned If You Do
-Metal Church-From The Vault
-Metal Church-Generation Nothing
-Metal Church-This Present Wasteland
-Metal Church-Weight of the World
-Metal Church-XI
-Metal Machine-Free Nation
-Metal Majesty-This Is Not A Drill
-Metal Majesty-2005
-Metalite-A Virtual World
-Metalite-Expedition One
-Metallica-Death Magnetic
-Metallica-Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
-Metallica-72 Seasons
-Metallica-St. Anger
-Michael Thompson Band-Love & Beyond
-Michael Thompson Band-The Love Goes On
-Midnight Sun-Metal Machine
-Millennium-A New World
-Mind's Eye-A Gentleman's Hurricane
-Mind's Eye-A Work of Art
-Mind's Eye-Walking on H20
-Mississippi Sludge-Biscuits 'n Slavery
-Mister Kite-Box of Fear
-Mistheria-Messenger of the Gods
-Mob Rules-Among the Gods
-Mob Rules-Hollowed be Thy Name
-Rhapsody-Dawn of Victory
-Rhapsody-Live in Canada 2005
-Rhapsody-Power of the Dragonflame
-Rhapsody-Rain of a Thousand Flames
-Rhapsody Of Fire-Glory For Salvation
-Rhapsody Of Fire-I'll Be Your Hero [ep]
-Rigoni, Alberto-Something Different
-Rising Steel-Beyond The Gates Of Hell
-Rituals-Show Me The Signs
-Rivera/Bomma-Invisible Force
-Riverside-Out of Myself
-Robert Perhsson's Humbucker-Long Way to...
-Roberts, Kane-The New Normal
-Robertson, Kieran-In the Name of Vanity
-Robin Red-Robin Red
-Robledo-Broken Soul
-Rock, Rob-Eyes of Eternity
-Rock, Rob-Rage of Creation
-Rods, The-Live
-Rods, The-Rattle The Cage
-Romeo's Daughter-Spin
-Romero, Ronnie-Raised On Radio
-Romero, Ronnie-Raised On Heavy Radio
-Roth, David Lee-Diamond Dave
-Roth Brock Project-Roth Brock Project
-Roxie, Ryan-Imagine Your Reality
-Roxy Blue-Roxy Blue
-Royal Hunt-Paper Blood
-RSC-Shadow Lady
-Rubicon Cross-Rubicon Cross
-Rude Awakening-A Tribute to Thin Lizzy
-Rush-Retrospective 3
-Rush-Snakes & Arrows
-Russell, Jack Great White-He Saw it Comin'