-A Life Divided-Down The Spiral Of a Soul
-A Life Divided-Echoes
-A Life Divided-Human
-A New Tomorrow-Universe
-Abraxas-Tomorrows World
-About Us-About Us
-About Us-Take A Piece
-Accept-Blind Rage
-Accept-Blood of the Nations
-Accept-Restless and Wild
-Accept-The Rise of Chaos
-Accept - Stalingrad
-Accept-Too Mean To Die
-AC/DC-Black Ice
-AC/DC-Power Up
-AC/DC-Rock or Bust
-AC/DC-Stiff upper lip
-Cyril Achards Morbid Feeling
-Adagio-Sanctus Ignis
-Adelitas Way-Getaway
-Adelitas Way-Home School Valedictorian
-Adelitas Way-Notorious
-Adelitas Way-Power
-Adelitas Way-Shine On
-Adelitas Way-Stuck
-Aerosmith-Honkin' on Bobo
-AFM Records-25 Year Metal Addicition
-After Lapse-Face The Storm
-Agarthic-The Inner Side
-Agonizer-Birth/The End
-Airborne-The Dig
-Airless-2nd Round
-Airrace-Untold Stories
-Alcatrazz-Born Innocent
-Alcatrazz-Parole Denied-Tokyo 2017
-Alice In Chains-Black Gives Way To Blue
-Alice In Chains-The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here
-All My Shadows-Eerie Monsters
-All Too Human-Entropy
-Allen/Lande-The Battle
-Allen/Olzon-Army Of Dreamers
-Allen/Olzon-Worlds Apart
-Baby Ruth-Hi Fi Lo Rock 'n Roll
-Babylon A.D.-American Blitzkrieg
-Babylon A.D.-Revelation Highway
-Babylon A.D.-Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
-Bach, Sebastian-Bring 'em Bach alive
-Bach, Sebastian-Give 'Em Hell
-Bad Blood-Bad Blood
-Baloney Ponyz-Baloney Ponyz
-Baltimoore-Best of
-Baltimoore-Original Sin
-Baltimoore-Ultimate Tribute
-Batio, Michael Angelo-Shred Force 1
-Banishment, The-Machine And Bone
-Beast In Black-Dark Connection
-Beast In Black-From Hell With Love
-Beasto Blanco-Beasto Blanco
-Beasto Blanco-Live Fast Die Loud
-Beastö Blancö-We Are
-Beatallica-Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub
-Beautiful Creatures-Beautiful Creatures
-Beautiful Creatures-Deuce
-Beauvoir/Free-American Trash
-Becker, Jason Tribute
-Beehler-Messgaes to the Dead
-Bellas, George-Venomous Fingers
-Below 7-Crashing Down
-Beltfed Weapon-Raining Plague
-Beseech-My Darkness, Darkness
-Better Left Unsaid-The Silencing
-Beyond Inspiration-Tribute to Uli Jon Roth
-Bieler, Jason-Songs for the Apocalypse
-Big City-Sunwind Sails
-Big City-Testify X
-Big Engine-Shot Like A Rocket
-Black Bambi-Black Bambi
-Black Dawn-On Blackened Wings
-Black Eye-Black Eye
-Caffery, Chris-Faces
-Cage-Darker Than Black
-Cage-Hell Destroyer
-Cage-Science of Annihilation
-Cage the Gods-Badlands
-Cain's Offering-Stormcrow
-Candlebox-Disappearing in Airports
-Canobliss-Liberation of Dissonance
-Canobliss-Man is the Enemy
-Care Of Night-Reconnected
-Carlsson, Patrik-Phraseology
-Carthagods-The Monster In Me
-Casablanca-Miskatonic Graffiti
-Cascione, Dean-Guitar Chop Shop
-Casus Belli-In the Name of the Rose
-Cats In Space-Atlantis
-Cats in Space-Day Trip to Narnia
-Cats in Space-Scarecrow
-Cats in Space-Too Many Gods
-Category 5-Off the Ivory Coast
-Cauldron-Chained to the Nite
-Celtus-What goes around
-Chain Collector-Forthcoming Addiction
-Chain Collector-The Masquerade
-Chain Link Faith
-Chaos Magic-Emerge
-Chaos Magic/Caterina Nix-Furyborn
-Chaos Theory
-Chaos Theory-Scarred for life
-Chaos Theory-Unholy Trinity
-Charon-The Dying Daylights
-Childers, Cole-Aurora
-D-A-D-A Prayer For The Loud
-Daddo-The Other Side
-Damageplan-New Found Power
-Dame Fortune-The great cosmic scheme
-Dame Fortune-The Secret Art
-Damn Dice-The Great Unknown
-Damnation Angels-Fiber Of Our Being
-Dan Reed Network-Let's Hear It For The King
-Danger Danger-Cockroach
-Danger Danger-Revolve
-Dare-Road To Eden
-Dare-Sacred Ground
-Dark Moor-Hall of olden dreams
-Dark Sarah-The Golden Moth
-Dark Sky-Believe it
-Dark Sky-Edge of time
-Darker Half-If You Only Knew
-Darkology-Fated To Burn
-Davis, Derek-Revolutionary Soul
-DC4-Atomic Highway
-DC4-Electric Ministry
-Datsuns, The
-Dead City Ruins-Shockwave
-Dead Daisies, The-Burn It Down
-Dead Daisies, The-Holy Ground
-Dead Daisies, The-Make Some Noise
-Dead Heart Beating-New Blood
-Dead Mans Hand-Til Karma Forgets
-Dead Rabbits-Sin Eater
-Dead Till Dark
-Deadstar Assembly-Unsaved
-Death Angel-Humanicide
-Death Angel-The Art of Dying
-Death Angel-The Bastard Tracks
-Death Angel-The Evil Divide
-Death Angel-Killing Season
-Death Angel-The Dream Calls For Blood
-DeCarlo-Lightning Strikes Twice
-DeCarlo, Tommy-Dancing In The Moonlight
-Def Leppard-Def Leppard
-Def Leppard-Diamond Star Halos
-Def Leppard-Songs From The Sparkle ...
-Def Leppard-X
-Defenders of Metal-Vol. 1-The Seduction
-Defiant-Time Isn't Healing
-Eclipse-Viva La Victouria
-Edenbridge-Sunrise in Eden
-Edenbridge-The Chronicles of Eden
-Eden's Curse-Cardinal
-Edge of Forever-Native Soul
-Edge Of Paradise-The Unknown
-Edge of Paradise-Universe
-Edguy-Space Police
-Eidolon-The Parallel Otherworld
-El Diablo Ninos-Into The Night
-Electric Boys-Grand Explosivos
-Electric Boys-Upside Down
-Electric Mob-2 Make U Cry & Dance
-Electric Mob-Discharge
-Electric Outlet-On!
-Elegantly Wasted-The Dog Years
-Elysion-Bring Out Your Dead
-Emil Bulls-Kill Your Demons
-Emil Bulls-Love Will Fix It
-Emil Bulls-Mix Tape
-Emil Bulls-XX
-Emperors & Elephants-Moth
-Empire-Trading Souls
-Empire 21-Empire 21
-Enceladus-Journey to Enlightenment
-End Machine, The-The End Machine
-End Machine, The-Phase 2
-End Machine, The-The Quantum Phase
-Enemy Eyes-History's Hands
-Endeverafter-Kiss or Kill
-Enevoldsen, Torben-Flying Solo
-Enevoldsen, Torben-Guitarisma
-Enforcer-From Beyond
-Engine of Pain-I Am Your Enemy
-Englund, Thorbjorn-Influences
-Entwine-Fatal Design
-Erinyes, The-The Erinyes
-Erix, Hank-Nothing but Trouble
-Errorhead-Modern Hippie
-Escape the Fate-Hate Me
-Escape The Hive-This Is Gonna Sting
-Eternal Reign-Forbidden Path
-Europe-Start from the Dark
-Eve To Adam-Queens To Eden
-Every Mother's Nightmare-Grind
-Every Mother's Nightmare-Resurrect the Faith..
-Evergrey-Escape Of The Phoenix
-Evergrey-The Atlantic
-Evergrey-The Storm Within
-Evick-Sunset to Sunset
-Evile-Five Serpent's Teeth
-Evile-Infected Nations
-Evile-The Unknown
-Excalion-Primal Exhale
-Exciter-Violence and Force
-Existance-Breaking The Rock
-Existance-Steel Alive
-Exodus-Blood In Blood Out
-Exodus-Persona Non Grata
-Exodus-Shovel Headed Kill Machine
-Exorcism-I Am God
-Exorcism-World In Sin
-Extreme-Saudades de Rock
-F5-A Drug for all Seasons
-Facing Fire-Facing Fire
-Faith no More-This is it-The Best of
-Fallen Sanctuary-Terranova
-False Hearts-Remedy
-Fans Of The Dark-Cover Me
-Fans Of The Dark-Fans Of The Dark
-Fans Of The Dark-Suburbia
-Fareri, Francesco-Forbidden Dimension
-Faster Pussycat-Faster Pussycat
-Fastway-Eat Dog Eat
-Fatal Smile-Beyond Reality (2000)
-Fatal Smile-Beyond Reality (2002)
-Fatal Smile-Neo Natural Freaks
-Fates Warning-Darkness in a Different Light
-Fates Warning-Long Day Good Night
-Fates Warning-Theories of Flight
-Fear Me December-Crystallized
-Federal Charm-Across the Divide
-Feel Never Real-Rock Rebel Gold
-Ferrigno, Leal, Kuprij-Promised Land
-Ferrigno, Marco-Hanging Gardens
-Ferrymen, The-A New Evil
-Filter-Anthems For The Damned
-Filter-Remixes for the Damned
-Filter-The Algorithm
-Filter-The Sun Comes Out Tonight
-Find Me-Angels In Blue
-Find Me-Dark Angel
-Finntroll-Ur Jordens Djup
-Fire Follows-If It's War You Want
-First Signal-Closer To The Edge
-First Signal-Face Your Fears
-First Signal-One Step Over the Line
-Fiorletta, Simone-My Secret Diary
-Fiorletta, Simone-Parallel Worlds
-Five Fifteen-Death of a clown
-Five Fifteen-My oh my (Single)
-Five Fifteen-Six dimensions of...
-Five Finger Death Punch-Afterlife
-Five Finger Death Punch-F8
-Five Finger Death Punch-The Wrong Side 1
-Five Finger Death Punch-The Wrong Side 2
-Five Finger Death Punch-Got Your Six
-Flaw-Divided We Fall
-Flaw-Endangered Species
-Flaw-Through the Eyes
-Flesh Gordon-Promos
-Flotsam And Jetsam-Blood In The Water
-Flotsam and Jetsam-Flotsam and Jetsam
-Flotsam & Jetsam-The Cold
-Flotsam & Jetsam-My God
-Flotsam and Jetsam-The End of Chaos
-Flower Kings, The-The Sum Of No Evil
-FM-Indiscreet 30
-FM-Old Habits Die Hard
-FM-Tough It Out Live
-For My Pain-Fallen
-Force of Evil-Black Empire
-Ford, Lita-Living Like a Runaway
-Forever Still-Tied Down
-Fortune-Level Ground
-Fortune-The Gun's Still Smokin'-Live
-Forty Deuce-Nothing to Lose
-Fragile Things-Broken Sun
-Frank, Herman-Fight The Fear
-Frank, Herman-Two For A Lie
-Fraze Gang-Fraze Gang
-Fraze Gang-2
-Free Spirit-Pale Sister of Light
-Freedom Call-Crystal Empire
-Freedom Call-Eternity
-Freedom Call-The Circle of Life
-Frehley, Ace-10,000 Volts
-Frehley, Ace-Anomaly
-Frehley, Ace-Space Invader
-Freight Train Jane-Hallucination
-Friedman, Marty-Music for Speeding
-From Behind-Game Over
-From the Inside-From the Inside
-From the Inside-Visions
-Frozen Land-Out Of The Dark
-Funny Money-Skin To Skin
-Furyon-Lost Salvation
-Children of Bodom-Are You dead Yet?
-Children of Bodom-Hate Crew Deathroll
-Children of Bodom-I Worship Chaos
-Christian, James-Meet the Man
-Christian, James-Craving
-Chroma Key-You go now
-Cimino-Angels & Animals
-Circus Maximus-Havoc
-Circus Maximus-Havoc in Oslo
-Circus Maximus-Nine
-Cirkus-Let The Madness Begin
-City Of Light-Before The Sun Sets
-Clark, Tony and Killing Time-When I'm...
-Cleanbreak-Coming Home
-Clockwise-Healthy Manipulation
-Coenen, Marcel-Colour Journey
-Coenen, Marcel-Guitar Talk
-Collins, Simon-Becoming Human
-Colour of Noise-Colour of Noise
-Company of Snakes-Burst the Bubble
-Company of Snakes-Here they go again
-Conception-My Dark Symphony
-Coney Hatch-Four
-Conquest-End of Days
-Conquest-No Boundries
-Conquest-Under the Influence
-Conquest-The War We Rage
-Cooley, Rusty
-Cooper, Alice-Along Came A Spider
-Cooper, Alice-Detroit Stories
-Cooper, Alice-Dirty Diamonds
-Cooper, Alice-Dragontown
-Cooper. Alice-The Eyes of Alice Cooper
-Cooper, Alice-Paranormal
-Cooper, Alice-Road
-Cooper, Alice-Welcome 2 My Nightmare
-CoreLeoni-The Greatest Hits Part 1
-Corroded-Defcon Zero
-Corrosion of Conformity-In the arms of God
-Cradle of Filth-Damnation and a Day
-Crash Street Kids-Sweet Creatures
-Crash Street Kids-Transatlantic Suicide
-Crazy Lixx-Forever Wild
-Crazy Lixx-Loud Minority (reissue)
-Crazy Lixx-New Religion (reissue)
-Crazy Lixx-Riot Avenue (reissue)
-Crazy Lixx-Ruff Justice
-Crazy Lixx-Sound Of The LIVE Minority
-Crazy Lixx-Street Lethal
-Creye-III: Weightless
-Cross Country Driver-The New Truth
-Crossing Rubicon-No Less Than Everything
-Crossing Rubicon-Perfect Storm
-Crown of Thorns-Karma
-Crowne-Kings In The North
-Crowne-Operation Phoenix
-Crucified Barbara-In Distortion We Trust
-Crushed-My Machine
-Cruzh-The Jungle Revolution
-Cruzh-Tropical Thunder
-Cry of Dawn-Cry of Dawn
-Cryonic Temple-In Thy Power
-Crystal Ball-Dawnbreaker
-Crystal Ball-Déjà-Voodoo
-Crystal Ball-Hard Impact
-Crystal Viper-The Cult
-Crystal Viper-The Last Axeman
-Cult, The-Beyond good and evil
-Cult, The-Born Into This
-Cult, The-Hidden City
-Cult, The-Under The Midnight Sun
-Cultural Warfare-Warmageddon
-Cursed, The-Room Full Of Sinners
-Cut Throat
-Cut Throat-Slave
-Alleycat Scratch-Deadboys in Trash City
-Amboaje-All About Living
-American Angel-Vanity
-Amoral-Reptile Ride
-Anand-A Man's Mind
-Anand-Joy 4 Ever
-Angel Dust-Bleed
-Angel Dust-Enlighten the Darkness
-Angel Dust-Of Human Bondage
-Angelica-All I Am
-Agent Steel-Order Of The Illuminati
-Altitudes & Attitude
-Altitudes & Attitude-Get It Out
-Amaranthe-Massive Addictive
-Amaranthe-The Catalyst
-Amaranthe-The Nexus
-American Jetset-Cat's Got Your Tongue
-Amorphis-Under the Red Cloud
-Angra-Aurora Consurgens
-Angra-Holy Land
-Annihilator-All For You
-Annihilator-Carnival Diablos
-Annihilator-For the Demented
-Annihilator-Schizo Deluxe
-Annihilator-Waking the Fury
-Another Lost Year-Alien Architect
-Anthea-Tales Untold
-Anthrax-For All Kings
-Anthrax-The Greater of Two Evils
-Anthrax-Worship Music
-Anthrax-We've Come For You All
-Anubis Gate-The Detached
-Anubis Gate-Horizons
-Anvil-Back to Basics
-Anvil-Legal At Last
-Anwar, Faraz - Abstract Point Of View
-Archon Angel-Fallen
-Archon Angel-II
-Archontes-The world where shadows...
-Arctic Rain-The One
-Arctic Rain-Unity
-Ardours-Last Place on Earth
-Arion-Life is Not Beautiful
-Arion-Vultures Die Alone
-Arise-The Beautiful New World
-Armageddon Over Wacken-Live 2004
-Armored Saint-Nod to the old school
-Armored Saint-Punching The Sky
-Armored Saint-Symbol of Salvation (reissue)
-Armored Saint-Win Hands Down
-Armory-The Dawn of Enlightenment
-Armory-Empyrean Realms
-Art Nation-Inception
-Art Nation-Revolution
-Artension-Future World
-As I May-My Own Creations
-AshenMoon-Umbra I
-At All Cost-It's Time to Decide
-Atkins, Ronnie-Make It Count
-Atkins, Ronnie-One Shot
-Ronnie Atkins-Symphomaniac EP
-Atkins, Ronnie-Trinity
-Attack Of The Rising-Game Changer
-Audrey Horne-Pure Heavy
-AUG-Be Careful What You Wish For
-Austin John-Love Sick Radio
-Avanish-4 track promo
-Avanish-Gods of Destiny
-Avantasia-The metal opera
-Avelion-Illusion of Transparency
-Avenged Sevenfold-Avenged Sevenfold
-Avenged Sevenfold-Hail to the King
-Avenged Sevenfold-Nightmare
-Averch, Ben-Start from the Beginning
-Black Label Society-Hangover Music Vol. VI
-Black Label Society-Kings of Damnation
-Black Label Society-Mafia
-Black Label Society-Stronger than Death
-Black Label Society-The Blessed Hellride
-Black Light Burns-Cover Your Heart & ....
-Black 'n Blue-Black 'n Blue
-Black 'n Blue-Collected (Boxset)
-Black 'n Blue-The Demos
-Black 'n Blue-Ultimate Collection
-Black 'n Blue-Without Love
-Black Sun-Silent Enemy
-Black Swan-Generation Mind
-Black Swan-Shake The World
-Black Symphony-Tears of Blood
-Black Tide-Chasing Shadows
-Black Tide-Light From Above
-Blackbird Angels-Solsorte
-Blackmore's Castle-DP & Rainbow Tribute
-Blackmore's Castle Vol. II
-Black Water Rising-Electrified
-Blackwelder-Survival of the Fittest
-Blaze-Blood & Belief
-Blaze-Silicon Messiah
-BlitZ-Kicking Up A Storm
-Block Buster-Losing Gravity
-Blood Red Saints-Speedway
-Blood Red Saints-Undisputed
-Bloodbound-Tabula Rasa
-Bloody Heels-Ignite The Sky
-Bludgeon-World Controlled
-Blue Öyster Cult-45th Anniversary
-Blue Öyster Cult-Ghost Stories
-Blue Öyster Cult-Hard Rock Live
-Blue Öyster Cult-iHeartRadio Theater 2012
-Blue Öyster Cult-Live From The Rock Of Ages
-Blue Oyster Cult-The curse of the ...
-Blue Öyster Cult-The Symbol Remains
-Body Count-Bloolust
-Bon Jovi-Bounce
-Bon Jovi-Crush
-Bonfire-Fistful Of Fire
-Bonfire-MMXXIII Editions
-Bonfire-Temple of Lies
-Book of Reflections
-Borealis-The Offering
-Box, Edward-Moonfudge
-Box, Edward-Plectrumhead
-Brainstorm-Wall Of Skulls
-Brave New World-Monsters
-Bravo Delta-Unbreakable
-Brazen Abbot-My Resurrection
-Breaking Benjamin-Aurora
-Breaking Benjamin-Ember
-Brides of Destruction-Here Comes the ...
-Brink, The-Nowhere To Run
-Britton-Alien Romper Room
-Broke Americans
-Brother Firetribe-Diamond in the Firepit
-Bullet for my Valentine-Fever
-Bullet For My Valentine-Scream Aim Fire
-Bullistic-Chronicles of Love & Hate
-Burdens Within-Burdens Within
-Burning Point-Arsonist Of The Soul
-Burning Point-Burning Point
-Burning Point-Salvation by Fire
-Burning Rain-Epic Obsession
-Burning Rain-Face The Music
-Bush, Stan-Change the World
-Bush, Stan-Dare To Dream
-Byrd-Flying beyond the 9
-Byrd, James-Atlantis Rising-Crimes of Virtu.
-Defiants, The-Drive
-Defiants, The-The Defiants
-Defiants, The-Zokusho
-Degreed-Are You Ready
-Degreed-Dead But Not Forgotten
-Degreed-Public Address
-Delain-Apocalypse & Chill
-Delain-April Rain
-Delain-Dark Waters
-Delain-The Human Contradiction
-Delain-Lunar Prelude
-Delain - We are the Others
-DemiAura-The Ascendant
-Demon-Night of the demon
-Demon-Spaced out monkey
-Demon-The Plague
-Demons Down-I Stand
-Deschutz-Promo 2001
-Desert Kingdom-Desert Kingdom
-Despyre-Rise Up
-Detone, Ray-Guitar Noir
-DeTone, Ray-Strange World
-Devilfire-Dark Manoeuvres
-Devil's Hand-Devil's Hand ft. Slamer Freeman
-DeYoung, Dennis-26 East Vol. 1
-DeYoung, Dennis-26 East Vol. 2
-DGM-The Passage
-DGM-Tragic Separation
-Di'Anno, Paul Battlezone-Feel my pain
-Diamond Lane-Terrorizer
-Diamond Rexx-Psych Ward
-Dickinson, Bruce-Best of
-Dickinson, Bruce-Scream for me Brazil
-Dickinson, Bruce-The Mandrake Project
-Dickinson, Bruce-Tyranny of Souls
-Diesel Machine-Torture Test
-Dio-Holy Diver Live
-Dio-Anthology-Stand Up And Shout
-Dir en Grey-Withering to Death
-Dirkschneider-Live: Back To The Roots
-Dirkschneider & The Old Gang-Arising
-Disturbed-Ten Thousand Fists
-Disturbed-The Lost Children
-Disturbed-The Sickness
-Dixon, Carl-Into the future
-Dominici-O3-A Trilogy: Part 3
-Dogpound-A Night in the Gutter
-Dogpound-The Hellbum
-Dokken-Heaven Comes Down
-Dokken-Lightning Strikes Again
-Dokken-Long way home
-Dope-American Apathy
-Dope-Blood Money Part 0
-Dope-Blood Money Part 1
-Dope-Group Therapy
-Dope-No Regrets
-Dragonforce-Extreme Power Metal
-Dragonforce-Inhuman Rampage
-Dragonforce-Maximum Overload
-Dragonforce-Reaching Into Infinity
-Dragonforce-Ultra Beatdown
-Dragonland-The Power Of The Nightstar
-Dragonlord-Black Wings of Destiny
-Dream Child-Until Death Do We Meet Again
-Dreaming, The-Rise Again
-Dreamtale-Ocean's Heart
-Dream Theater-A Dramatic Turn of Events
-Dream Theater-A View From The Top...
-Dream Theater-Black Clouds & Silver...
-Dream Theater-Distance Over Time
-Dream Theater-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater-Octavarium
-Dream Theater-Six degrees of...
-Dream Theater-Scenes from a memory
-Dream Theater-Systematic Chaos
-Dream Theater-The Astonishing
-Dream Theater-Train of Thought
-Driven-Citizen X
-Drowning Pool-Full Circle
-Dupree, Jesse James -Rev It Up and Go-Go
-Durbin-The Beast Awakens
-Dymytry-Five Angry Men
-Dynazty-Final Advent
-Dynazty-The Dark Delight
-Dynazty-Titanic Mass
-Dysinformation-Smoke & Mirrors